10 questions for interviewing a guest

Interviewing a guest who is an expert in his or her field will increase your authority. Here are 10 generic questions to fill in blank minutes and get valuable information. Find out more here.

questions for guests

Juanma Aranda

Interviewing a guest, a leader in your field or an expert in his or her field, will increase your authority and credibility.

Depending on the guest and the theme of your streaming, the questions to interview a guest can be very varied, but here are 10 ideas of generic questions that can help you fill those minutes that you are left blank, as well as the reasons why it may be interesting to ask your guest and what information you can provide.

How do you feel about being on this live program?

It is a way to break the ice and establish a connection with the guest. It can also be helpful to get a sense of how the guest is feeling about the interview and whether they are nervous or relaxed. This can help the interviewer adjust his or her approach and interview style accordingly.

In addition, the guest's response to this question may provide some clues about his or her personality and how he or she will present himself or herself during the interview.

How did you prepare for this interview?

It is useful to get a sense of how well the guest has prepared for the interview and whether he or she has made an effort to be well-informed about the topic or program. This can provide the interviewer with an idea of what the guest knows and can talk about during the interview, and can also provide some clues about the guest's level of commitment and preparation.

In addition, the guest's response to this question may provide some clues about their thought process and how they approach a task.

What is your most outstanding success story?

It is useful to get a sense of the guest's most important accomplishments and how they have contributed to his or her career. This can provide the interviewer with an idea of the guest's accomplishments and how they have impacted his or her life and career, and can also provide some clues as to what the guest values and considers important.

In addition, the guest's response to this question may provide some clues about their thought process and how they approach a challenge.

What has been the biggest obstacle you have faced in your career and how did you overcome it?

It is useful to get a sense of how the guest has faced and overcome obstacles in his or her career. This can provide the interviewer with an idea of how the guest handles challenges and how he or she stays motivated in difficult times, and can also provide some clues about his or her thought process and how a problem is approached.

In addition, the guest's response to this question may provide some clues about his or her personality and how he or she relates to others.

What inspires you to move forward in your work or projects?

It is useful to get a sense of what inspires and motivates the guest in their work or projects. This can give the interviewer an idea of what the guest finds most rewarding in their work and how they maintain their motivation over time, and can also provide some clues about their personality and values.

In addition, the guest's response to this question may provide some clues about their thought process and how they approach a challenge.

What is your long-term goal?

It is useful to get a sense of the guest's long-term goals and how he or she is working to achieve them. This can provide the interviewer with an idea of what the guest hopes to achieve in the future and how he or she is working to make it happen, and may also provide some clues about his or her interests and passions.

In addition, the guest's response to this question may provide some clues about their thought process and how they approach a long-term goal.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps?

It is useful to gain valuable advice and wisdom from the guest, especially for those who want to follow in his or her footsteps. This can give the interviewer and the audience an idea of what the guest has learned throughout his or her career and how they can apply that to their own lives and careers.

In addition, the guest's response to this question may provide some clues about his or her personality and how he or she relates to others.

Are there any projects or initiatives you are currently working on?

It is useful to get a sense of the guest's current projects or initiatives and how they are progressing. This can provide the interviewer and the audience with an idea of what the guest is currently working on and how they are involved in the community or the world at large.

In addition, the guest's response to this question may provide some clues about his or her interests and passions.

What are your interests or hobbies outside of work?

It is useful to get a sense of the guest's interests and hobbies outside of work. This can give the interviewer and the audience an idea of how the guest relaxes and enjoys themselves outside of work and how they maintain a work-life balance.

In addition, the guest's response to this question may provide some clues about his or her deepest interests and passions and how they may relate to his or her career.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our audience?

It is useful to give the guest the opportunity to share any other information or thoughts he or she wishes to share with the audience. This can give the interviewer and the audience an idea of what the guest considers important and how he or she thinks and feels about different topics.

In addition, the guest's response to this question may provide some clues about his or her personality and how he or she relates to others.


These are just a few of the thousands of possible combinations you can use to interview a guest on your show. Remember that these are just ideas and you should customize and adapt them to the guest and the type of content you are creating.

Are there any other questions that you always use in your guest interviews that have generated good content? Tell us about it in the comments.

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