If you are an administrator of a Telegram Channel or Group, you can now broadcast live from any third-party software.
What is needed to broadcast to Telegram from StreamYard?
In order to stream from StreamYard to a Telegram group or channel, of which you are an administrator, you will need to have:
- Telegram desktop application
- StreamYard Pro or Business Account
- Custom RTMP Server and Key
How to create a Telegram destination in StreamYard?
You will be able to broadcast in the same way as you do to any other social network, but instead of choosing one of the pre-defined networks, you will have to create a new destination.
To do this, choose the option Custom RTMP (available on StreamYard paid plans) and enter the Telegram server data.
Then name it and save it as a new destination.
How to get RTMP data from Telegram?
To locate Telegram data, open the app and follow these steps:
- Enter the channel or group where you want to do the live broadcast.
- Click on the sandwich icon at the top of the screen.
- Choose the last option "Stream as".
- Copy the server and key data and paste them in StreamYard
How to broadcast to Telegram from StreamYard?
Once you have created the destination in StreamYard, the only thing left to do is to send your image from there to Telegram.
To do this, in StreamYard, schedule a new broadcast to the destination you just created and start the transmission.
Then go back to Telegram and click on the button that says "Start Stream".
You're done! Your Show can be seen by all users of the Telegram group or channel.