5 streaming ideas for entrepreneurs

If you thought streaming couldn't be applied to your industry, here are 5 great streaming ideas that will help you break the ice.

streaming ideas

Juanma Aranda

If you thought that streaming could not be applied to your industry's business strategy, here are 5 great ways to get started. streaming ideas that will help you schedule your next live transmissions.

There are many ways to use streaming as part of your business strategy. All of them will help you to highlight in your industry and differentiate yourself and, most of them, will strengthen your brand and help you reach new customers.

Some streaming ideas that could work in your business strategy are these:

Live events or conferences

Offering live events or conferences through streaming platforms will allow you to reach a wider audience, even people who cannot physically attend your event.

Both formats can be used both openly, in your social networks, and privately (only for customers, for subscribers, after registration, etc.).

Some ways you can use streaming for this are:

  • Broadcast conferences or workshops onlineIf you have an event that attracts an audience interested in a particular topic, you can broadcast it live through a streaming platform. This will allow you to reach people who cannot physically attend, but who would be interested in the content.

  • Exclusive online events for your customers or subscribersIf you have a mailing list or a group of loyal customers, you can offer online events exclusively for them. This can be a way to encourage loyalty and engagement with your brand and offer your customers something valuable and exclusive.

  • Streaming events online and charging for accessIf you have an event that offers valuable content and you want to generate additional revenue, you can stream it online and charge for access. This can be an effective way to monetize your event and reach a wider audience.

  • Using streaming for networking eventsIf you have a networking event and want to reach a wider audience, you can use streaming to connect people online. This can be an effective way to foster contact and collaboration among attendees.

Tutorials or demonstrations

Use streaming to offer tutorials or product demonstrations. This can be an effective way to promote your products and services and help customers better understand how they work.

Some ways you can do this are:

  • Online tutorials for your productsIf you have a product that can be a bit complicated to use, you can offer online tutorials to help your customers understand how it works. This can be especially useful if you have a technical or high-end product that requires a bit more explanation.

  • Live demonstrations of your productsIf you want to show your customers how your products work in real time, you can use streaming to offer live demonstrations. This can be especially effective if you have a visually appealing product or one that is difficult to understand through a simple written description.

  • Ask questions and answers in real timeIf you have a product and you want your customers to be able to ask questions about it in real time, you can use streaming to do online Q&A sessions. This can be an effective way to help your customers better understand how your product works and how they can get the most out of it.

  • Webinars or online chats about your product or serviceIf you want to go deeper into a topic related to your product or service, you can offer webinars or online chats. This can be an effective way to generate interest and knowledge about your business and what you do.

Expert interviews

Use streaming to conduct interviews or presentations with experts in your field. This can be a useful way to generate interest and awareness around your business and what you do.

Some ways you can do this are:

  • Offering online interviews with experts in your fieldIf you want to share the knowledge and experience of experts in your field with your audience, you can offer online interviews through a streaming platform. This can be especially useful if you have an audience interested in learning more about a particular topic.

  • Present online conferences or lecturesIf you have an expert in your field who wants to share their knowledge with a wider audience, you can use streaming to broadcast their lectures or talks online. This can be an effective way to generate interest and awareness around your business and what you do.

  • Online question and answer sessionsIf you have an expert in your field willing to answer questions from your customers or online followers, you can use streaming to conduct real-time Q&A sessions. This can be a useful way to generate interest and awareness and build loyalty and engagement with your brand.

  • Broadcasting panel discussions with experts in your fieldIf you want to organize a panel discussion with experts in your field, you can use streaming to broadcast it online. This can be an effective way to generate interest and knowledge and to foster dialogue and collaboration among participants.

Events or product launches

Use streaming to broadcast events or product launches. This can help generate buzz and attract a wider audience.

Some ways you can do this are:

  • Online product launchesIf you have a new product you are launching, you can use streaming to broadcast the launch online. This can help generate buzz and attract a wider audience.

  • Broadcast special events or celebrationsIf you have a special event or celebration that you want to share with your audience, you can use streaming to broadcast it online. This can be an effective way to foster loyalty and engagement with your brand and connect with your customers and followers in a more personal way.

  • Stream events online and offer exclusive access to attendeesIf you have an event that offers valuable content and you want to generate additional revenue, you can stream it online and offer exclusive access to attendees. This can be an effective way to monetize your event and reach a wider audience.

  • Broadcasting online events and promoting products or servicesIf you have an event that you want to use to promote your products or services, you can use streaming to broadcast it online. This can be an effective way to generate interest and awareness around your business and what you do.

Connect with your customers

Use streaming to connect with your customers and followers in real time. This can be an effective way to foster loyalty and engagement with your brand.

  • Broadcasting live content and creating an online communityIf you want to foster an online community of people interested in your business or a particular topic, you can use streaming to broadcast live content and create a space where people can connect and collaborate. This can be an effective way to foster loyalty and engagement with your brand and create a community of people who are passionate about what you do.

Which tool to use for streaming?

Although there are several tools on the market for easy streaming to your social networks, I only know of one that also allows you to organize webinars (both public and private). It is StreamYard.

In this article I explained how to plan webinars through StreamYard-On-Air using the same interface.


There you go! We've explored the different ways streaming can be used as a business strategy. Have you already started using streaming to your advantage? Tell us about your experience in the comments below!

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