Make a webinar with StreamYard

In addition to being a tool for streaming to your social networks, you can now also give a webinar with StremYard.

Make a webinar with StreamYard

Juanma Aranda

What is a webinar?

A webinar is an online communication tool that allows one or more presenters to share information and knowledge with a group of people virtually. This word is a combination of the words web and seminar, and is a way of delivering a lecture or class over the Internet.

A webinar usually consists of a live presentation, in which the presenter uses an online platform to show slides or videos, talk about a given topic and answer questions from attendees. Participants can interact with the presenter and other attendees via chat, live questions or even share their own content.

One of the main benefits of a webinar is that it allows people to access valuable content from anywhere and at any time. It is also a cost-effective and efficient way to deliver a lecture or class, as it does not require travel or rental of physical space.

Webinars are also a valuable tool for companies, as they allow them to reach a wider audience and generate leads (potential customers) by capturing data from participants.

In short, a webinar is an efficient and accessible way to share knowledge and skills virtually, allowing individuals and companies to expand their reach and reach a wider audience.

How to offer a webinar to your customers?

The most common way to offer a webinar to customers or students is privately, by pre-registration or payment.

There are several tools that allow you to create landing pages for attendees to register. In some of them, users must download some software to access the webinar and, in other cases, the access is to a web page.

Normally, registration prior to attendance is a requirement because you can then use their email (always with their express consent) to send them information related to the topic of the webinar.

How to deliver a webinar with StreamYard?

As you already know, StreamYard is an online platform that allows users to live stream and record their content on different social media platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. With StreamYard, users can interact with their audience in real time through comments and questions, making it a valuable tool for anyone who wants to share their content effectively online.

However, StreamYard now also allows you to deliver webinars privately on its own platform or directly on your own website, through a new feature called StreamYard On-Air. For this you do not need to download any additional software, neither you nor the rest of the speakers. Access is through the web browser.

Schedule a webinar with StreamYard

Scheduling a webinar with StreamYard is really easy. It's done in the same way you schedule a live broadcast to a social network: you write a title and a description and choose a date and time to do the broadcast. You can do this as far in advance as you need.

create webinars with streamyard

In addition, you will be able to choose different aspects:

  • You can choose to deliver a webinar with a pre-recorded video or do a fully live webinar.
  • You can also decide whether you want registration to be a requirement or free access.
  • In addition, you must choose whether you want to do the webinar from the StreamYard platform or from your own website.

Access the webinar with StreamYard

Webinar speakers must access the StreamYard Studio to deliver their talk from there.

The host must access StreamYard from their administrator account and from there send the invitation link to the other speakers, if any. This can be done in advance, from the moment you schedule the webinar.

Once attendees have registered for the webinar (name and email), their data will be stored on StreamYard's servers and they will receive an automatic email with the link to access the webinar. (1).


The chat room will open 10 minutes before the start time and will be open until 10 minutes after it has ended.

How to embed a StreamYard webinar on your website?

If you prefer attendees to access your own website (instead of StreamYard's), you can embed the webinar (including the registration form) by simply creating a page and adding an HTML block, where you will paste the code provided by StreamYard when scheduling the webinar. (2).

The downside, at the moment, if the webinar is delivered on the StreamYard platform, attendees will be able to post in the chat (just as if it were a social network) and you will be able to overlay their messages on the screen. However, you will not be able to embed the chat on your website. At present, only the video can be embedded.

Delivering a paid webinar with StreamYard

In many cases you will need to deliver webinars on demand or as a benefit of a membership.

As of today, StreamYard does not allow you to "hide" the registration form behind a payment gateway, so anyone who has the link to access the form can register and attend.

However, on your website, you can limit access to the registration form to users who belong to a membership or who have previously made a payment.

All this can be easily done in WordPress using plugins such as:

How much does StreamYard On-Air cost?

The webinars feature with StreamYard On-Air is included starting with your PRO Plan, which costs from 39$/month.

Try StreamYard's Basic Plan for 14 days

Register with a new email from this link


In short, StreamYard is an excellent solution to deliver webinars and boost your online business, offering this service for free, open, upon registration or for a fee.

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